Grounding Exercise 5-4-3-2-1

Grounding Exercise 5–4–3–2–1 A resource that uses your own senses for “self-rescue” Photo by Solstice Hannan on Unsplash Not that I am meeting many people these days, but I have had a few chats on dog walks and zoom with lots of friends and acquaintances. Everyone seems to agree this lockdown is much harder than previous ones. Some [...]

Grounding Exercise 5-4-3-2-12021-02-03T15:35:16+00:00

If you worry more than you would like, try this simple tip

If you worry more than you would like, try this simple tip. What is worry? “Worry is not based upon what is likely to happen. Worries are based on what would be terrible if it did happen. They are not based upon probability they are based on fear” David Carbonell We all worry, the odd [...]

If you worry more than you would like, try this simple tip2020-01-23T12:50:33+00:00

What Are Safety Behaviours & How Can They Fuel Our Anxiety ?

What are safety behaviours and how can they fuel our anxiety? One of my favourite quotes is: “A ship is safe in harbour, but that’s not what ships are for.” John A. Shedd Confidence is a funny old thing it actually comes when we do the thing that we fear.  It’s so easy to think [...]

What Are Safety Behaviours & How Can They Fuel Our Anxiety ?2019-03-26T17:49:39+00:00

Me and the Imposter Syndrome

Me and the Imposter Syndrome Welcome to my first blog which has been a long time in coming; I have been staring at this white screen for ages. First off a little about me and how I got here and how I understand first hand stress, anxiety and self-esteem issues. For about 20 years I [...]

Me and the Imposter Syndrome2017-04-24T20:23:16+00:00
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